St. Anne's Youth Ministries
Choosing a Confirmation Saint
Why Do We Choose a Confirmation Saint?
We select a saint to be our patron during our preparation for Confirmation for a similar reason that we pick a sponsor; to have a mentor in the faith who has lived a human life and is now residing in heaven. Generally we choose a saint who lived a life that we can relate to, find inspirational, and aspire to learn from. Just as we learn from other people throughout history, we can learn from the saints about what being human and living life as a Christian looks like. As a sign that we have chosen a specific saint to mentor and guide us, when you are confirmed, the bishop will call you by your saint name rather than your own name.

How Do I Choose a Saint Name?
There are many different ways to go about selecting a patron saint. You can begin by looking at some of the more popular saints with a simple google search. For a more refined search, you can look based on what they are the patron of. For example, if you are interested in education and learning, you can look at some of the saints who are patrons of schools and students, such as St. Augustine or St. John Bosco. You can read through the stories of saints and find one who speaks to you.
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