St. Anne's Youth Ministries

High School Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation in the Diocese of Fresno is normally conducted during a teenager’s sophomore and junior years of High School. Confirmation at its core is about coming to know Jesus and to become a disciple of Christ. Our program aims to help our youth to build a solid relationship with Christ through prayer, small groups, community, and catechesis. The program runs from October – April and is a two year process. We aim to not simply check the box, but to build a community where everyone knows they belong and are loved by God.

One of the first questions we will explore together as a community is the question Jesus asked his disciples in, "What are you looking for?"​ We hope to assist the teens in examining their desires, specifically the root of those desires, how they connect to our innate human desires, and where these desires truly point (toward God).
We simply do not want to be another program where families just check the box off as another task done or a rite of passage completed. It is our hope to provide an intentional place for students as well as families to be formed in their faith, come to know the love of Christ, and to learn how to effectively share and impact the world they are invited to share it with.

Program Requirements

First Year Program Requirements:
- Class on Sunday afternoon
- 6:30 PM Sunday Mass (on class days)
- 1 Fall and 1 Spring Conference Days
- First Year Retreat (Friday evening to Sunday afternoon)
- 15 Community Service Events (min one hour per event
- Students must be born before April 2010 to register
Second Year Program Requirements:
- Class on Sunday afternoon
- 6:30 PM Sunday Mass (on class days)
- 1 Fall and 1 Spring Conference Days
- 15 Community Service Events (min one hour per event)
- Saint Report/interview (Interview will include saint oral report and brief summary of community service
The RCIA, which stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a process through which those who are not fully initiated enter the Catholic Church. It includes several stages marked by study, prayer and rites at Mass, after which the candidates are brought into full communion with the church through the Sacraments. Teens who are unbaptized, baptized in a different faith tradition, or who are baptized but missed their First Communion, are invited to journey toward the Sacraments of Initiation together and to enter fully into the Catholic Church.

Let's Do This
We look forward to walking with you on your journey of formation towards a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ!
Confirmation Office
St. Anne's Church
378 N F St
Porterville, CA