St. Anne's Youth Ministries
Senior High Youth
This faith community is for students in the ninth through the twelfth grades. We meet weekly on Wednesday nights from 7:30-9 PM (During the school year) & 8-9:30 PM (Summer Hours) at the St. Anne's Youth Plaza located near the back of our F Street campus. Our ministry year begins early September 2024, we hope you can join us!

St. Anne’s Youth Ministries is an outreach of St. Anne’s Parish that serves the Church by providing resources and faith experiences that help lead teens closer to Christ. This is accomplished through a vibrant Eucharistic spirituality and by creating widespread opportunities for teens to grow in their faith and to help them to become capable of who they are called to be.
We strive to provide spaces where teens can enter into intentional friendships with with one another. Spaces where screens no longer need to serve as buffers for safety. An important component to community is taking risks and learning to put ourselves out there and letting the Holy Spirit do the rest.

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